Homemade Liquid Sucralose

Why? Because Splenda and store brand sucralose contain fillers that contribute unnecessary carbs. They're also very expensive.

Make your own. Save a bunch. Save carbs.

Buy your sucralose here. This particular package will last even the most out of control sweet addict a year or more.

1/2 c distilled water
2.5 Tablespoons sucralose

Microwave the water to lukewarm. Add the sucralose and stir until dissolved. Cool. Store in a small (4 oz capacity or so) squeeze container in the fridge.

Source: Pelletlab
Measure as follows:

1 cup sweetening power = 20 drops
1/2 cup sweetening = 10 drops
1/4 cup sweetening = 5 drops (you knew that, right?)

Amounts smaller than 1/4 cup require some fiddling. One drop is (very) roughly equal to a tablespoon - depending on the recipe and ingredients, you may need 2 drops for a tablespoon of sugar. If you use smaller units of sweetening power on a regular basis - a tablespoon, a teaspoon - you may want to make a weaker solution by doubling the water to 1 cup per 2.5 tablespoons. At that ratio, 40 drops would equal a cup and so on, so that when you measure smaller amounts, a tablespoon would be equal to 2 to 3 drops, a teaspoon equal to one. Always use the lesser amount and adjust as desired.